Schitt’s Creek - Johnny Rose Shows How to be Resilient as a Business Professional, Even Against All Odds

Jonathan “Johnny” Michael Rose, portrayed by Eugene Levy, is the rational patriarch of the Rose family, and a businessman who invests his time helping run the town motel in the Netflix show Schitt's Creek. The character is capable of providing viewers with multiple diverse and relatable career experiences and authentic situations.


Once proud of his reputation for spending money as fast as he made it with his business, now, his easy-going attitude and good temperament are tested, as he not only tries to rebuild his family’s financial empire, but his family as well. The show pluck’s the Rose family out of their exceedingly wealthy and competitive lifestyle and plants them into an impoverished rural deadbeat town where there is much to learn from how the characters interact with each other. Each actor and actress thoroughly plays their part as they would in society had they been taken completely out of their regular environment. The show provides very authentic character growth as they navigate a new life style after losing all of their money.

Focusing on Mr Rose, he works to rebuild his family and his family’s finances using a wide variety of skills from his years of experience as a business magnate. One of Mr Rose’s great skills is damage control. Eugene Levy does a fantastic job portraying Mr Rose as he tries to explain his way out of situations caused by miscommunication due to social differences due to income disparities between him and the citizens of Shitt’s Creek. This is especially frequent considering the gap in lifestyle between what he and Moira were used to, versus the ordinary everyday people they interact with day to day.


Mr Rose’s perseverance is tested repeatedly as he co-runs the motel with Stevie Budd, the motel’s original owner. He and Moira work to improve their living situation, as well as the motel’s situation, by working with those around them by doing anything from planting flowers to trying to provide a continental breakfast using cinnamon buns.

The family is resilient as they use each roadblock and failure to learn and grow together. The show is a testament to how important it is to remain in touch with reality even if you are exceedingly wealthy, and to not take your living situation for granted.


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