OUR Brands And Online Properties

About Us

  • Inception

    Mainstream media has overwhelmed readers and viewers with content, and because of that it has become increasingly difficult to discern what sources can be trusted, and what stories can be cast aside as misinformation. Our flagship publication “The Empire City Wire” serves as a credible source of information for readers interested in subjects like business, entertainment, lifestyle, and many more. 

  • Evolution

    In 2020, multiple social media brands owned by HPG Asset Management, LLC merged to form a multimedia brand that oversees a variety of content production strategies across multiple online properties. HPG Networks also helps guide global and international companies in their quest to build a robust online presence using a variety of different media tactics.

  • Management

    The company is NYC based and has a team of dedicated professionals ready to tackle any obstacle across the media landscape. Whether it is a story that needs to be published, or an article that needs to be written, HPG Networks’ team is ready to help.

Our Content Strategy

The Content

HPG Networks works with “The Empire City Wire” to provide cutting-edge business, news, and social media content for audiences across the world. The brand has an online presence across LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and TikTok. Our websites source material from a diverse network of professionals with a vast array of experience.

The Mission

HPG Networks is committed to providing trusted, quality, brand-safe news and entertainment to inspire our audience to live better and more productive lives. We'll continue to recruit the best founders and creators to join us in this mission, with more additions and collaborations to come.

The Process

Our team reports with empathy at the heart of every story. We take a people-first approach in everything we do, and we report on raw and authentic stories. Regardless of where you live or what you believe, you can count on HPG Networks to help you navigate different current events and trends happening in the world, and how they affect or relate to you.

The Audience

Our reader base includes various industry professionals, investment bankers, influencers, media outlets, and institutional organizations all across the world. We consider the needs, passions, and curiosity of our readers in all of our published articles.




Leverage the power of HPG Networks’ online relationships and external partnerships to increase the visibility of your brands or products.

Collaborations with other businesses, media outlets, and brands looking to grow their social media presence is available across HPG Network’s online properties. Affiliate marketers are also encouraged to contact HPG Networks if brands would like to host advertisements or products on the website or across HPG Networks properties. Our Advertising package can be found here.


CEO Weekly:

HPG Networks: Home to Credible Business and Entertainment News Across the Globe

The Chicago Journal:

HPG Network on Delivering Well-Curated and Reliable News With a Heart

LA Wire:

How Jack Halebian’s Platform HPG Networks Is Helping Brands Establish a Solid Digital Presence

U.S. Insider:

Jack Halebian’s Financial Tracker Is A Must-Have For All Investors

Atlanta Wire:

HPG Networks Releases Brand New Merchandise

Influencer Daily:

Michael Bloomberg Tops HPG Networks’ Most Influential Business Leaders List

San Francisco Post:

HPG Networks Appoint Jeffrey Perrill as Director of Fashion

Market Daily:

HPG Networks Brings Cutting-Edge Business, News and Social Media Content for Audiences Across the Globe

U.S. Reporter:

There Will Be Blood – The 2007 Epic Period Drama Film Sheds Light on American Capitalism and Greed

NY WirE:

Reliable and Informative News Only from New York-Based HPG Networks